4 week squat program

Unlocking the true potential of your squat requires dedication, technique, and a strategic plan. This 4-week program is meticulously designed to escalate your squat power, emphasizing varying exercises and load types. Full and extended version of this training plan, you can find – HERE

By alternating between strength, power, and technique drills, this program guarantees to invigorate your squat game.

4 Week Squat Program

How to read Olympic weightlifting training plan load

In Olympic weightlifting and strength training there is a standard form of writing planned load. Coach give a prescribtion that athletes need to do on the each training in specific way.

Let`s talke a look on certain example:

It means that in this specific exercise – Back Squat, athlete will do for
1 set for 4 reps on 50%, 3 sets for 4 reps on 65%, 1 set for 4 reps on 75%,

% – counts from actual 1 RM, means that if your current 1 RM 100 kg (220 lbs), athlete work 1 set for 4 reps on 50% – 50 kg (110 lbs), 3 sets for 4 reps on 65% – 65 kg (143 lbs), 1 set for 4 reps on 75% – 75 kg (165 lbs)

1-Week Example

Day 1

Bulgarian Split Squats: 4×8 each leg
Strengthens quads, glutes, and offers stability training.

Single-Leg Deadlifts: 3×10 each leg
Targets hamstrings and glutes, while enhancing balance.

Leg Press: 4×12
Intensive focus on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

Long JUMP: 4×6

🔻12 Week Squat Program by Oleksiy Torokhtiy

Do you want to double your squat strength? In just 12 weeks, you’ll be able to boost your squat results.

This program transforms any ordinary squat into a powerful athletic movement.

Squat Strength Program

What’s included:

  • 12 weeks of squat programming;
  • Effective combination of sets, reps, and weights;
  • Fully designed and coached by Oleksiy Torokhtiy;
  • Over 60+ movements, banded work, and weight training;
  • Accessory work for core, joint stability and injury prevention;
  • Max out on back squat and front squat at the end.

Start now and boost your squat results!


Day 2

Jumping Squats: 5×5
Develop explosiveness and power in quads and glutes.

Pause Squats: 4×6 with a 3-second pause at the bottom
Improve squat depth and strengthen the “sticking point”.

Deficit Middle Grip PULL: 3×8
Strengthening posterior chain

Walking Lunges: 3×20 steps
A dynamic movement targeting quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Female Doing Squats

Day 3

Goblet Squats: 4×15
Enhance squat technique and depth while working on quad strength.

Bench Back SQUAT: 5×6
Intensive focus on the leg and back muscles.

Box Step-Ups: 3×12 each leg
Focuses on unilateral leg strength and stability.

Lateral Lunges: 3×10 each side
Lateral movement to target inner and outer thighs.

Day 4 – Recovery Training

Yoga/Pilates Session: 45-60 minutes
Enhances flexibility, core strength, and aids muscle recovery.

Foam Rolling: 15-20 minutes.
Self-myofascial release to reduce muscle soreness.

Further Programming Recommendations:

1. Load Adjustments

For weeks 2 and 3, aim to increase your load by 5%. By week 4, aim for a 2-3% increment to ensure safety and avoid overtraining.

2. Intensity

As you advance through the weeks, increase your intensity by either adding weight, repetitions, or incorporating resistance bands.

3. Form Check

Always prioritize form. Consider hiring a trainer or using video analysis tools to check your technique.

Doing Squats

Essential Training Techniques and Exercises

As you progress in your squat program, the integration of advanced training techniques and exercises becomes crucial. These methods not only challenge your muscles in diverse ways but also ensure you continue to make gains without hitting a plateau. Here’s a compilation of vital techniques and exercises to incorporate in the forthcoming weeks:

1. Wave Loading

This involves oscillating the weights in a wave-like pattern. For example, 3 sets where weights increase and then decrease. This can confuse the muscles, spurring growth and strength.

2. Drop Sets

After performing an exercise to failure with a particular weight, reduce the weight immediately and continue until failure again. This enhances muscle endurance and stimulates growth.

3. Pyramidal Training

Start with a lighter weight and higher reps. With each subsequent set, increase the weight and decrease the reps. This method is excellent for muscle strength and hypertrophy.

4. Cluster Sets

Break your sets into smaller mini-sets with short rest intervals in between. For instance, instead of doing 6 reps continuously, you can perform 2 reps, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat. This allows for higher volume with heavier weights.

5. Tempo Training

Alter the speed of your reps to emphasize different phases of the lift. For example, a 4-0-1 tempo means 4 seconds down, no pause, and 1 second up.

Prepearing Squat Rack

Key Exercises:

1. Zercher Squats

Holding the barbell in the crook of your elbows, this squat variation targets the quads, glutes, and core while also engaging the upper back and arms.

2. Anderson Squats

Starting the squat from the bottom (from safety pins or blocks) emphasizes the concentric phase and helps to power through sticking points.

3. Cossack Squats

A lateral squat movement that deeply engages the inner thighs and promotes hip mobility.

4. Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

Elevating the front foot during a split squat increases the range of motion, placing greater emphasis on the rear leg’s glutes and hamstrings.

5. Box Squat with Bands

Using resistance bands with box squats adds an accommodating resistance, making the top part of the squat harder, thus training explosiveness.


To maximize results, it’s crucial to periodically infuse these techniques and exercises into your regimen. They will not only break the monotony but also push your boundaries, ensuring that you continue to see gains in strength, endurance, and muscle growth.

This 4-week squat program offers a holistic approach to strengthening your squat. Incorporating strength, power, technique, and recovery, it’s meticulously crafted for both newcomers and seasoned lifters. Stay consistent, prioritize form, and with each week, you’ll edge closer to your squat goals.

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Sergii Putsov

Author: Sergii Putsov
Head of Sport Science, PhD

Experience: 20 years
Best ResultsSnatch – 165 kg,
C&J – 200 kg

Sergii Putsov, Ph.D., is a former professional weightlifter and National team member, achieving multiple medals in the 94 kg weight category at national competitions. With a Master’s degree in “Olympic & Professional Sport Training” and a Sport Science Ph.D. from the International Olympic Academy, Greece, Sergii now leads as the Head of Sport Science. He specializes in designing training programs, writing insightful blog articles, providing live commentary at international weightlifting events, and conducting educational seminars worldwide alongside Olympic weightlifting expert Oleksiy Torokhtiy.

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