TRX Workout: 19 Exercises For Full-Body Training
Still being underestimated by many athletes, both beginners and seasoned ones, TRX workout turned out to bring great value for different fitness goals. Thanks to its versatility and applicability, gym-goers of all levels from different sports can take everything they need to improve their condition and mobility from this training tool. Even if you find this training system quite challenging to start training with, read our in-depth review of the key features of this suspension system. Learn its specifications and get a great workout plan that will help you to pump up your muscles and test your balance.
Implement a TRX workout into your training routine to engage more muscles at a time. Try this suspension trainer to build strong muscles and develop endurance by resisting your body weight.

What Is a Trx System?
A TRX system is a suspension bodyweight training tool that involves gravity and the user’s body weight to perform dozens of exercises targeting the whole body generally, and the lower and upper body in particular. A user can manage the intensity and resistance they prefer to utilize in their workout as it’s possible to change the body position throughout the training.
TRX system brings highly effective bodyweight suspension training that enhances strength, body balance and coordination, flexibility, and core stability simultaneously. It was crafted by Randy Hetrick, a Navy Seal squadron commander who constructed a simple system from a jiu-jitsu belt and parachute webbing for the whole body training. He aimed to design a tool that will help him to stay fit and be able to train in a limited space. Today, TRX straps are famous for their signature-yellow straps that are widely used by amateur athletes, seasoned gym-goers, professionals, and the military.
- it’s easy-to-use and efficient training for the whole body
- athletes of all fitness levels can use it for daily workout
- it engages the core muscles pretty well
- it boosts muscle strength and stamina
- there’s a low level of injury occurrence
- it can be used as a part of the rehab therapy
- it promotes better functionality and athletic performance
- it can be set anywhere you are

The TRX system is quite a versatile piece of equipment. You can use it by holding with your hands for training the upper body most, or hook your feet into the straps to activate your abs and leg muscles. It’s easy to adjust the system to your fitness goals: you can manipulate your body and change the strap length to enable performing a wider range of exercises at different resistance levels.
You can perform numerous exercises with the TRX straps: bicep curls, chest presses, lunges, squats, planks variation like standing plank or side plank with double knees, crunches, resistance rotation, standing hip dips, and so on. You’ll be able to do these exercises with a more excellent range of motion and balance.
Trx Sweat System: A Short Review Of The Trx System We Recommend
To add more versatility and dynamics to your daily training we offer you to try this TRX Sweat system from the manufacturers of the TRX Home Suspension Trainer that brings you ultimate freedom for full-body training anywhere you go.
It’s a perfect fit for athletes of all fitness levels which can be utilized for cardio, strength, and balance workouts, and also be a part of rehabilitation therapy. Due to the adjustable straps, you can fix the system to your preferences and fitness goals.

This TRX system is reliable and firm: the straps are made from durable nylon, while the handles come with soft foam grip. The carabiner has a weight capacity of over 700 lb, so be sure that the system won’t wear off and will serve you long.
Besides the TRX suspension training system itself, the package includes a suspension anchor, a poster with exercise options, and a mesh bag for storage. Also, you can download 6 TRX band workouts and watch them as a tutorial to progress at bodyweight workouts.
When and Why to Use a Trx System?
If you want to improve your strength, endurance, and flexibility, and make your body more toned and ripped, the TRX system can become a useful tool for you. All you need is to feel and balance your body while performing numerous exercises that target several muscles simultaneously. You’ll do different functional movements that work out your abs muscles greatly for better stability.
If you’re lacking time, the TRX training is a worthy tool to train well and save your time as well. You can work out in less time and still get almost the same results for your general conditioning as when training on a commercial training machine.
Even if you have only 10 minutes to get a workout in, it’s possible with TRX straps. It’s absolutely real to have a full TRX in a short time that still will challenge your body.

Basic TRX Exercises
As we already said, the TRX training set itself uses your body weight and gravity to add up some resistance. So, you’ll build power, balance, and stability in ligaments. During a single workout, you can apply the TRX arm workout to a leg-focused complex to target various muscles by changing your body position in a moment and controlling the load simultaneously.
1. Top 4 Upper Body Exercises
TRX straps allow you to combine different types of training and switch from cardio exercise to a strength-oriented one at a glance. Just hook it on the horn from one side of the door and here you go. Let’s see the TRX upper body workout exercises that will tone up each muscle thoroughly.
Trx-Assisted Chin-Ups
Adjust the TRX straps at shoulder height. Drive your shoulder blades to the lower back and feel a strong pull-up from your hands to the shoulders. Imagine you’re pulling your body by directing elbows to the floor. Get into the squat position by holding the straps with your hands extended. Pull yourself up with the elbows going down and keep your feet on tiptoes.
Trx Face Pull
Grab the handles and lean back with your body at a slight angle. Make your arms go straight out at about face level. Pull your body by keeping your hands at face level. As you pull yourself up, bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Let your body back with your arms straightened again.
Trx Push-Ups
Adjust the straps at the mid-shin level. Hook them, turn away from the anchor, and walk back till your body is placed horizontally and it’s possible to push up the plank position. Lower yourself down until your chest reaches the parallel line with the straps. The straps should touch the arms when you’re in your push-up position. Keep your feet together, by standing on the tiptoes, while your core is tight throughout the movement. Grip the handles tightly to push up and go back to your starting position with your arms extended.
Trx Row
Hold the handles with a neutral grip with your elbows close to your waist. Keep your body in an inclined position. Engage your core and glutes while you straighten your arms. Row the elbows close to the waist with your chest up, and then go back. Keep TRX straps tight throughout each rep.
2. Top 4 Lower Body Exercises
Want to have a challenging leg day with the TRX strap workout? These TRX leg exercises will target all major lower body muscles while working out your core and balance skills simultaneously.
Squat Jumps
Stand facing the TRX anchor, with your feet placed shoulder-width. Hold the TRX handles and squat down as in the regular squats. From this position, proceed to come back up with an explosive jump, and control your position when landing by bending your knees.
Pistol Squats
This exercise is an analog for single-leg squats. When holding the TRX straps keep your body upright throughout the movement. Besides the leg muscles, this exercise also works out the shoulder scapular retractors, i.e., rhomboids, which help to prevent your back from going round. Stand upright on one foot, lean back a bit, facing the TRX system while keeping the other leg up several inches in front of you. Hold the handles and squat down with the supporting leg as deeply as you can. Push yourself up back with the help of the squatting leg to the initial position.
Wall Sits
You can squeeze the ball between the legs to activate the adductors. Sit down on a wall sit position by holding the straps with extended arms. Keep your back straight and your legs are bent almost at 90 degrees. Hold this position as long as you can to keep your abs and legs tight.
Hamstrings Curls
This proceeding movement includes the supine hip extension and leg curl and is also a great posterior chain activator. Adjust the straps around a foot above the floor. Lie on your back, put your heels in the TRX cradles, and keep your legs extended. By activating your posterior chain (that is lower back, glutes, and hamstrings) raise your hips and lower back from the floor. Hold this position for a second and then pull your heels towards your glutes. Keep the shoulder blades in contact with the ground and use your arms to stabilize your trunk by keeping them by the side. When you lift your hips, you squeeze the glutes automatically. Return to the initial position by controlling your movements.
3. Top 4 Core Exercises
These intensive TRX exercises will activate your core by giving it a new challenge. These functional movements will strengthen the body movements you perform every day. So, you’ll be able to add up more complex exercise variations and upgrade your sports skills.
Trx Pikes
Start in a straight plank position with your feet looped through the TRX handles. Pull your feet towards your body while lifting your hips up with your legs straight. Return back to the starting position.

Adjust the straps to mid-calf height and put your feet into the TRX handles. Flip over with your hand in front of you as in a plank position and get into your knees first. Lift up to a straight horizontal position with a tight core and straight back. Raise your hips as you bend your knees towards your chest and return back to the plank position.
Hamstring Runner
Adjust TRX straps in the mid-calf height. Lay on your back and place your ankles in the foot cradles. Keep your abs tight and spine neutral and lift up with your hips to a reverse plank. Maintain your shoulder blades in contact with the floor. Move your heels towards you by turn, still keeping the hips lifted.
Plank Saw
First, adjust the straps to mid-calf height. Then put your feet in the TRX straps, and get into a solid plank position on your elbows. Keep your core tight and back flat, and lift up in a straight plank with your heels pushing back. Start shifting your body back and forth with the help of slight pushes of your hands and forearms.

Advanced Trx Exercises
As the TRX system fully relies on an athlete’s weight for the resistance, you can easily change the difficulty of your training by adjusting the height of the straps and picking up more challenging exercises. To make you sweat and fire up specific muscles, look at these TRX exercises and try several circuits in a more intensive tempo.
1. Plyometric Exercises
A plyo workout is well-known for its explosiveness by engaging the athlete’s strength and speed to build up muscle power. Combined with the TRX system, such a training type will bring you double challenge with your own weight resistance, but at a more intensive pace. Here we prepared a list of exercises that will make your abs burn under stable pressure.
Mountain Climber to Down Dog
This exercise combines the Suspended jackknife and Prone pike positions. You should pull your knees to the chest by turning with explosive motions. This highly intensive training involves the shoulder and core to stabilize your body. After performing 5 reps of a mountain climber, switch to the down dog by lifting your hips up and then return to the plank position.
Split Squat Skips
Being an advanced variation of a lunge exercise, it will work out your glutes, hamstrings, quads, biceps, shoulders, and core to get a more toned body. Hold the handles with the arms bent. Step back to make the straps strained a bit. Place your feet in a wide staggered position, with one foot in front of the other. Lower yourself down bending the front knee at 90 degrees and your back foot is up with the weight to your toes. Hold this position and push yourself up to return to the initial position. You need to alternate your legs quickly to add up more challenges.

2. Full Body Exercises
Single-Leg Burpees
Loop one TRX handle to the anchor and put your leg over the stirrup. It should hang at a knee height. Face opposite the anchor, and start doing burpees: with your hands down, jump with a free leg back into the extended plank. Explode off this leg and jump back to standing.
Unilateral Kneeling Rollout
This TRX back exercise trains the anti-spinal extension muscles of your core by engaging shoulder and hip stability. Performing the rollout unilaterally takes away the stability of training with two hands. You’ll work out your anti-rotation core strength and develop a muscular mass in the upper body. It trains your shoulders, lats, lower back, obliques, abdominals, and glutes well.
Stand in the kneeling position upright with your hands in the straps. Lean forward and roll out by keeping your core tight. Also, engage the abdominals to bring you back to the starting position.

Suspension Trainer Challenges
We chose the following complexes to engage the major body muscles to bring you a well-balanced workout including your shoulders, chest, arms, abs, and legs. Consider these effective back exercises, leg drills, and TRX chest exercises to work out thoroughly every piece of your body in one set.
1. Trx Muscle-Ups
Being one of the most challenging upper-body movements, this exercise is also one of the best and most effective drills for the upper body. First, you use your lower body to get the momentum to push yourself from the initial position (that is almost sitting, a bit angled position, with your hands extended and holding the TRX straps, while hips touching the ground), and then all the rest you leave for your upper body, namely the lats, chest, upper back, and arms. Utilize this exercise to burn fat, boost muscles, and improve your endurance. As you feel tired, activate more leg muscles to push you up to further motion.
2. Trx Inverted Rows
This TRX shoulder exercise will promote your back strength as you’ll master balancing your own body weight. It also can be a good training base for chin-ups and pull-ups. Adjust the straps to mid-length. Hook them with your hands and hang down under the straps. Tighten your core to keep a straight plank with your heels touching the floor. Pull your body to the handles, by making the shoulder blades move down, and roll the shoulders back. Lower yourself down.
3. Trx Pistol Squat Jumps
Performing a pistol squat requires very strong legs and an excellent sense of balance as all the weight is placed onto one leg. Being an exercise of explosive movement, it works out your anaerobic capabilities, i.e., pumping up your pulse, burning calories, and boosting your explosiveness.
Additionally, you need to have great flexibility of hamstrings, hip flexors, and joints to perform pistol squats. You’ll be able to improve the stabilizing muscles to keep your spine straight, reduce pains in the back, and generally improve your posture.
To start pistol squats hold both handles by facing to the anchor. One leg is in front of you, while you bend the supporting leg and squat down with the heels contacting the floor. Explode with a powerful jump up and lend on the other leg. When repeating the squats you need to switch the legs with each jump.
TRX Workout Examples
You can build up your own TRX workout considering your fitness level, body condition, and goals. You can mix exercises targeted at most upper and lower body by keeping your core constantly under tension.
If you’re new to the TRX system training, you can choose the following sets of the TRX workout for beginners you can perform continuously at different intensities and amounts of reps and sets.
Tips From the Champ
To add more versatility and dynamics to your daily training we offer you to try this TRX Sweat system from the manufacturers of the TRX Home Suspension Trainer that brings you ultimate freedom for full-body training anywhere you go.
Olympic Weightlifting Champion
1. Total-Body Workout
If you’re looking for a TRX full-body workout complex, it’s better to include diverse exercises that include fundamental movements like push, pull, squat, and core engagement. You can choose a fitting TRX workout circuit depending on your fitness level:

Trx Workout For Beginners:
- Back squats:
Primary – quads, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors
Secondary – abs, calves,
Make 3 sets of 10 reps - Elbow to hands plank:
Muscles worked – transverse abdominals, internal and external obliques, hips, back
Make 3 sets of 6 reps - Chest press:
Primary – chest
Secondary – abs, forearms, middle back, shoulders, triceps
Make 4 sets of 8 reps - Pull-ups:
Primary – upper back, core, lats
Secondary – forearms, lower back, abs
Make 3 sets of 8 reps - Bicep curls:
Primary – biceps
Secondary – forearms, core
Make 2 sets of 10 reps
Trx Workout For Intermediate Athletes:
- Back fly:
Primary – shoulders
Secondary – traps, upper back, forearms
Make 2-3 sets of 15 reps - One arm row:
Primary – middle back
Secondary – biceps, forearms, shoulders
Make 4 sets of 8 reps - Jack-knife pike:
Primary – shoulders
Secondary – lower back, abs, hamstrings
Make 2-3 sets of 10 reps - Single leg squat:
Primary – quadriceps
Secondary – glutes, calves, hip flexors
Make 3 sets of 15 reps - Torso rotation:
Primary – abs
Secondary – obliques, shoulders
Make 3 sets of 15 reps

Trx Workout For Advanced Athletes:
- Split squats:
Primary – glutes
Secondary – hamstrings, lower back, calves
Make 3 sets of 15 reps - Body saw:
Primary – abs
Secondary – glutes, hip flexors, quads, shoulders
Make 4 sets of 10 reps - Y Lift:
Primary – deltoids, lats, rhomboids, serratus anterior
Secondary – erector spinae, transverse abdominis
Make 3 sets of 10 reps - Reverse flyers:
Muscles worked – rear deltoids, rhomboids, rotator cuff
Make 4 sets of 10 reps - Grappler throws:
Muscles worked – chest, back, biceps, triceps, delts, abs
Make 3 sets of 10 reps
2. Workout in Three Planes of Movement
If you’re a more advanced athlete, you can pick up exercises that reflect even balance between the three fundamental planes of movement: the frontal plane. sagittal plane, and transverse plane. To achieve multi-planar balance, try to work out by performing the following exercises:

- Frontal plane: side lunges, lateral shoulder raises.
- Sagittal plane: calf raises.
- Transverse plane: push-ups, chest flys.
Customizing and Progressing Trx Workouts
The simplicity and high versatility of the TRX suspension trainer enable users to craft personalized training complexes to meet their specific needs. Here are some main points you can change to make your TRX workout more effective and better.
1. Adjusting the Trx Straps for Different Exercises and Difficulty Levels
Before getting started to work out with TRX straps, adjust their length according to the exercises you’re going to do. Make it correctly to guarantee you’ll get an excellent experience while using this training system.When do you change the TRX strap length?
- Need a full range of motion for each movement (i.e., mid-length for Y deltoid fly).
- To fit the space dimensions (fully shorten for low rows).
- Adjust for particular exercises (full length for chest presses).
- Increase stability (make it short for the hip hinge).
But, if you’re unsure about the proper length of the TRX straps, see this list:
- Standing exercises are done with medium length.
- Rowing exercises require fully shortened.
- Press is fine with fully lengthened.
- Ground exercises are performed with medium calf length.
2. Increasing or Decreasing Resistance Using Body Angle and Position
Besides adjusting the height of the TRX straps, you can manage the difficulty of the workout by changing your body angle and position. By increasing the angle you can make a conventional plank or push-ups more difficult. The exercise will be more challenging than exercising on flat ground. How far your step from your body defines how much weight you’ll have to push or pull.To add even more tension and weight, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or resistance bands. For instance, you can try TRX single-leg squats with kettlebells, TRX lunges with dumbbells, and TRX core workout with resistance bands. It’ll make you apply more effort to perform the set with more reps and a more limited range of motion.

3. Incorporating Trx Into Circuit Training or Hiit Workouts
The TRX system is a very versatile piece of equipment you can use for diverse training sessions to add up more variety and improve your mobility. It’s possible to combine it with functional and strength-oriented training and apply some exercises to HIIT workouts. So, the TRX straps will facilitate strength and stamina development, boost your muscular endurance, and improve coordination. You’ll be able to improve your performance and make your everyday movements more flow and natural.
If you have some injuries or recover from a specific trauma, feel free to add some light TRX exercises to your daily activity. Even if you’re a yoga devotee, add the TRX system into these physical practices.
4. Tracking Progress and Adding Variations for Continuous Improvement
Overally, TRX is a great bodyweight resistance workout you can perform and then track your progress over time. Sure, you need to do it regularly to see visible changes in your technique and exercise performance. If you’re new to this training system, we recommend you find a personal trainer who will direct you on how to do TRX exercises properly, and generally how to set it up according to your height and capabilities. With a coach, you’ll learn the correct technique and will know how to combine different TRX exercise complexes for improving your physical strength.
Incorporating Trx Into Different Fitness Goals
We’ve already mentioned that it’s impossible to underestimate the TRX system’s great influence on your physical development and what benefits you’ll get by training regularly with these straps. Here we decided to sum up the exceptional value of the TRX session by dividing its perks by fitness goals you can utilize the system.
1. Trx for Strength Training and Muscle Building
TRX training is perfect for building muscles and total-body strength. Each movement and exercise involve core muscles for better stabilization, so you’ll be able to perform with better results in your major sports activities. Depending on the way you adjust the straps, you’ll target specific muscles much better when doing the same exercises on the plane surface. The TRX system will become useful for performing calisthenics workouts, i.e., push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, planks, etc. These exercises will activate your muscles due to the increasing blood flow. Utilize the following exercises to build muscle mass: TRX inverted rows, side plank rotations, incline presses, and lunges with weights.

2. Trx for Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Besides boosting your physical strength and muscle mass, the TRX workout is also a good way to burn fat and become slimmer and more toned. When you work out your own body weight, it directly affects your resistance level. Moreover, in some cases, the TRX training can be more effective in losing weight, than when doing cardio. Exercising in different planes of motion, such a workout brings a great metabolic effect. These fat-burning exercises are worth trying: jump squats, atomic push-ups, lateral lunges, bicep curls, etc.
3. Trx for Flexibility and Mobility
When utilized correctly, the TRX band exercises can help you build flexibility, mobility, and functional strength. This training will enable you to unload body weight while doing specific exercises, so it’ll be possible to move safely with a greater range of motion. By choosing the resistance and body position, you’ll move by stretching with a proper technique, and body form. Practice such exercises to enhance your flexibility: TRX golf rotations, chest stretch, and long trunk twist stretch.
What Are Trx Exercises Good For?
TRX workout is perfect for building up muscles and general physical strength, developing flexibility and mobility skills, boosting aerobic capabilities, and also strengthening the abdominals.
Is Trx Better Than A Gym?
Working out with the TRX straps can be as effective as going to commercial gyms and using specific standalone training machines. Firstly, this is a highly versatile, yet simple training tool for toning up the whole body. Secondly, it’s much more affordable than a gym membership, or when buying a separate trainer for your home gym. You don’t need any other equipment like extra weights to perform exercises, as you use your own weight to manage the resistance.
Is It Ok To Do Trx Every Day?
Yes, you can train with the TRX system every day, both like with a separate training system and an addition to your workout routine. You can target different body parts with different tension and body angle. One day you can train your lower body, while the next day can be dedicated to the upper body and core. Overally, 20-30 minutes per day will be enough for a good full-body workout.
Having done such an incredible analysis and investigation of the most effective and useful TRX workouts, we believe that every athlete will succeed to find exercises that will meet their expectations and personal fitness goals. Indeed, the TRX suspension trainer is an awesome training tool that fits a great number of users of different sports backgrounds and skills. While learning specific exercises and their target areas, you’ll get to know key perks that TRX strains can bring to you.
However, don’t get enough samples and explanations on how to adjust the TRX workout to your regime? Put aside all doubts and write us questions on the TRX trainer and how to challenge your capabilities and improve your condition.
Also read:
- Muscle activation in suspension training: a systematic review // Tandfonline:
- Core musculature co-contraction during suspension training exercises// Pubmed:
- Shoulder muscle activation during stable and suspended push-ups at different heights in healthy subjects// Sciencedirect:
- Muscular contribution to low-back loading and stiffness during standard and suspended push-ups// Sciencedirect:
- Lower-extremity resistance training on unstable surfaces improves proxies of muscle strength, power and balance in healthy older adults: a randomised control trial// Sciencedirect:
Why Trust Us?
With over 20 years in Olympic Weightlifting, our team does its best to provide the audience with ultimate support and meet the needs and requirements of advanced athletes and professional lifters, as well as people who strive to open new opportunities and develop their physical capabilities with us.
By trusting the recommendations of our certified experts in coaching, nutrition, dietology, and sports training programming, as well as scientific consultants, and physiotherapists, we provide you with thorough, well-considered, and scientifically proven content. All the information given in the articles concerning workout programming, separate exercises, and athletic performance, in general, is based on verified data. We ensure that you can rely on our professionals’ pieces of advice and recommendations that can be treated as personalized ones which will benefit you and fully meet your needs.
The product testing process is described in more detail here
Author: Ihor Shymechko
Pro Olympic Weightlifter, Coach
Best Results: Snatch – 208 kg,
C&J – 240 kg
Ihor has been a professional weightlifter since 1996, boasting over two decades of competition experience. His notable achievements include clinching the European Championship in 2009 and securing a silver medal in the 105kg division at the Senior World Championships in 2011. Ihor represented his country in the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Summer Olympics. After retiring from competitive weightlifting, he transitioned to coaching, leveraging his vast experience to guide athletes who now compete on both national and international stages.